Thursday, September 27, 2012

"One Fairfield's alum's fight against poverty in Ecuador..."

Check out the awesome article about The Starfish Foundation in last week's issue of The Fairfield Mirror. Co-founder Jenn Zocco graduated from Fairfield University in 2010, and it's safe to say her Fairfield education played a big part in motivating her to do all that she has done for The Starfish Foundation so far. Starfish is grateful to Kelsey from FU for writing this beautiful article! Be sure to check it out on pages 10-11.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Thank you, Emily C. Specchio Foundation!

Co-founders Jenn Zocco and Beth Awalt have been selected as the 2012 Emily C. Specchio Foundation Ambassadors.

We are so appreciative of this opportunity. Throughout the next year, the Emily C. Specchio Foundation will provide Starfish with mentorship, an initial monetary award and a matching grant - totaling up to $8,500 at most! Beth and Jenn are busy putting together speaker's kits and promo videos for upcoming speaking engagements.

To learn more about the program, visit Let any Virginia Tech students know that there are opportunities for them as well! Emily had a great passion for social justice, especially abroad, and we are honored to be chosen to represent her foundation this year.

Make sure to check out the video from A Night with an Angel 2012, featuring many past and present scholarship winners, as well as The Emily C. Specchio Foundation webpage, to learn more about or donate to the organization.

Friday, September 21, 2012

La pasé posi...I had an awesome time!

Today Jerson, a Starfish scholar from Guasmo, shares with us what he liked about Sunday's day of fun where our scholarship students from Flor de Bastión finally got to visit Guasmo!

  • La comida estuvo bueno.
  • El postre también.
  • Decorar las plumas.
  • Jugar con los juegos de mesa.
  • La pasé bien con los chicos y las chicas.
Que se reúnen otra vez con los de Flor de Bastíon.  La pasé posi ayer.  Me gustó la reunión y quiero que se suban las fotos al Facebook!

  • The food was great.
  • The dessert was great too. (*note, Starfish volunteers Ashley and Taylor made rice krispie treats and puppy chow so the kids could try some delicious treats from the U.S.  Thanks!!!)
  • We decorated pens.
  • We played board games.
  • I had fun with the other kids.
I hope we can meet again with the kids from Flor de Bastión.  I had an awesome time yesterday.  I liked the meeting and want to see the pictures on Facebook!

Jerson (above, left) receiving homework help on a drawing assignment!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Starfish Reflection in the Words of a Scholar!

Today Steve had already finished all his homework so our volunteers asked him to spend his time writing about his experience with Starfish to share with all of us!

Lunes, 17 Septiembre

Ayer la pase muy bien con los de la Flor de Bastión.  Se nos cerró una puerta y no podiamos salir por un rato y ahi vinieron y abrieron la puerta y salimos.  La pasamos muy bien con Ashley y Taylor en Estrellitas del Mar.  Me paso haciendo deberes y recibiendo clases de música.  Tengo que estudiar más para el futuro porque de grande quiero ser un policia.  Quiero que sean más reuniones y que nos llevan de paseo para distraernos!

Monday, September 17

Yesterday I had a great time with the other students from Flor de Bastion.  During the meeting a door got locked and we couldn't leave the auditorium for a little bit, but then someone came and opened the door and we could leave.  We have a great time with Ashley and Taylor at The Starfish Foundation.  I do my homework and go to music classes.  I have to keep studying more for the future because when I grow up I want to be a police officer.  I can't wait for more meetings and I hope they bring us on field trips so we can have fun!

Steve (yellow shirt) dancing and having fun at the June Integration Day in Flor de Bastion!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Words from a Starfish Scholar!

Today one of our scholarship students from Guasmo shares with us a little bit about the new homework help program and her experience at her high school!

Miercoles, 29 agosto 2012

Hola, mi nombre es Maria y tengo 13 años .  Les quiero decir que gracias por que nos han ayudado mucho con las tareas de recuperación.  Gracias por la ayuda de Taylor, Ashley y Jenny que han decidido ayudarnos con la tarea después de habernos ayudado Martin y Michael con la tarea de fotografía.  Yo en mi colegio la paso bien por que estoy con unas de mis mejores amigas como Kenia.  Mis olimpiadas son muy buenas especialmente hoy día miércoles me toca jugar y espero ganar.  Gracias por ayudarnos!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hi my name is Maria and I am 13 years old.  I want to thank you all because you have helped us a lot with our homework and reinforcement in all our classes. Thanks to the help of Taylor, Ashley and Jenny who have decided to help us with our homework after Martin and Michael also helped us with the photography project.  I like my high school because I am with some of my best friends like Kenia.  The Olympics at my school are great too especially today, Wednesday because it’s my turn to play and I hope to win.  Thanks for helping us!

Maria (black-and-white top) and her friends at the June Starfish Scholars meeting.