Cristhian has been a Starfish scholar in the Flor de Bastión neighborhood since the first class of scholars began last February 2012. He is a motivated student and comes from a very responsible family. His family has been so supportive that his two older siblings who are now both in college have joined the Starfish team as two of our newest part-time employees. Cristhian turned 16 on March 6th and is in 2do bachillerato or the equivalent of 11th grade in the U.S. When asked to describe what Starfish is, he said "Starfish is important and collaborative because it helps people in need, We shouldn't see it just as help, but rather a responsibility." Cristhian is also a great leader in his school, his community and at Starfish. He says, "Leadership doesn't always mean being at the front of the group. Leadership is making everyone else feel like leaders. The leader isn't always the one that guides, but rather the one that acts with intelligence and wisdom."
Cristhian's sisters Jasmin and Noelia (newborn), his mom Maribel, Cristhian & Beth at an Integration Day with Guasmo last June 2012.
Read below about Christian's school vacation in his own words.
"What did I do during my vacation?"
During vacation I took advantage of my free days. My vacation was a little funny, first I signed up for a soccer school but I only went for a few weeks. Then I went to work (the days that I wanted to).
Then I just hung out until a group of friends and I signed up for a Summer Camp as Counselors. There I taught a group of students in 6th grade. We taught them Language Arts and Math, but unfortunately it was only for one month. The last day was sad because it was the last day I was going to see my students and my friends. After Camp, all the counselors got to go to the beach for a day. There we ate, played and swam in the ocean. That was a great day. Then, I went to Manabí to visit my grandparents and I had a great time with my cousins.
Cristhian and Arelisa during an icebreaker at the April 2013 meeting!
"Que hice en mis vacaciones?"
Bueno, yo en vacaciones empecé a disfrutar de mis días libres. Mis vacaciones fueron un poco chistosas primero me inscribí en una escuela de fútbol en la que fui sol un par de semanas. Después me fui a trabajar los días que daba ganitas.
Me la pasaba molestando hasta que un grupo de amigos/as nos inscribimos a una Colonia Vacacional pero como animadores. Ahí conocí a niños de 6to año y les enseñamos lenguaje y matemáticas pero lastimosamente solo fue un mes. El último día fue triste porque fue el día en que no iba a ver más a mis alumno ni amigos. Pero bueno al terminar la Colonia nos llevaron a la playa a todos los animadores. Allá comimos, jugamos y nos metimos a la playa. Ese día fue chevere. Después fui a Manabí a visitar a mis abuelitos y la pasé bien con mis primos.
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