Thursday, July 18, 2013

New opportunities, New Hope

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has funded some new schools in some of the most vulnerable areas.  When Cristhian & Eddy found out that their were still a few spots left and that Eddy knew one of the directors, they decided to try their luck at getting two of those spots even though they are already two months into the school year.  Normally this is not allowed in Ecuador.  There are no school districts, so even if you move you're out of luck and probably in for a very long commute for the rest of the year.  Also most families probably would not be able to afford to buy new supplies and uniforms.  Luckily the boys are able to use the same uniform and we were able to help them out with some of the supplies!

Eddy & Cristhian spending time with Starfish volunteer, Andrew!

Today Cristhian & Eddy share with us about their decision and their awesome new high school!

"We changed schools for a better future because at the high school where we were there wasn't any hope for a better future.  The difference now is that our new high school is really big.  There are labs for physics, biology and English.  There are computers for each student in each lab.  There is a cafeteria.  There are 3 soccer fields and they're going to make another grass soccer field.  The teachers are cool.  We have electricity workshops too.  Next week they are going to take us to ElectroGuayas (the electric company) so that we can learn more.  What we learn in this high school is going to help us get ahead and help others!"

~Cristhian and Eddy, Flor de Bastión

*Note* This school is not typical of the schools where our Starfish scholars study, but we are excited about new opportunities in the near future if the government continues these initiatives next year!

UPDATE: Starfish Scholars (& sisters!) Pamela & Lili have also switched to this new school.  We feel very fortunate that our scholars have sought out this great opportunity for a better education!!

Singing partners Jordan & Eddy at June's Integration Day.
"Nos cambiamos de colegio por un mejor futuro porque en el colegio donde estábamos no había esperanza para un mejor futuro.  La diferencia es que el nuevo colegio es grandísimo.  Hay laboratorios para física, biología y ingles.  Hay computadoras para cada alumno en cada laboratorio.  Hay un comedor.  Hay 3 canchas y van a hacer otra cancha de césped.  Los profesores son cheveres.  Hay talleres para electricidad también.  Nos van a llevar a la empresa ElectroGuayas para aprender mas también. Lo que aprendemos en este colegio nos va a ayudar a salir adelante y ayudar a los demás!"

~Cristhian y Eddy, Flor de Bastión

Cristhian with some of his Starfish friends & family.
(L to R: Dulce, Melani, Cristhian, Arelisa, Pamela, Tyrone)

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