Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Refuerzo - After-School Program!

The first baby step of our Tutoring program has been taken! The Starfish Scholars themselves set up a mini refuerzo in Flor de Bastion. The 7 who study in the morning have gone every afternoon this week and I was only there Tuesday and briefly on Thursday. I think its great because not only are they doing their homework and helping each other, but the 3 quieter ones have really opened up and I can really see their personalities interacting with the others now. And it came out that Milena is the coordinator of her class too, just like Samantha. What a special group we have!

Students in Flor de Bastion at their after-school (or before-school) impromptu tutoring session.

The space is owned by the uncle of one of the Scholars, but he doesn't live there - what a perfect opportunity for our students to have some space to study!

The students in Flor de Bastion have really started to create a beautiful community. We're so blessed!

--Jenn Zocco
In-Country Representative

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