Thursday, July 25, 2013

Congratulations Danny!

Danny was recently elected to his Student Council as one of 2 people to represent each class.  He was elected by his classmates, what an honor - Congrats Danny!

Danny, working hard on a presentation for Social Studies.

"They chose me for Student Council first by calling all the Presidents of all the different classes and all the representatives from each class.  Then they gave us a talk about what our responsibilities would be.  Then all the representatives of each class had to pick 2 students for the Presidency in each class and they picked me and a friend who is the sports representative.  The next day we had a meeting for all those chosen for the student council and the guidance counselor explained that we wouldn't have the power of President or Vice-President, but that we could be representatives for the class."

~Danny Zambrano, Guasmo

Danny and the rest of his Starfish friends - the morning group in Guasmo!

"Me cogieron en el consejo estudiantil de la forma que llamaron a los presidentes de cada curso y a los otros vocales de cada presidente de cada curso.  Luego nos dieron la charla de como deberían ser nuestras responsabilidades.  Después cada undo de los vocales de cada curso deberían de coger dos alumnos de la Presidencia de cada curso y de ahi me cogió a mí y a un amigo que es vocal de deportes.  El siguiente día tuvimos una reunión de los escogidos para el consejo estudiantil y el profesor de orientación dijo que no pudimos tener los cargos de Presidente y Vice-Presidente, solo pudimos ser los vocales."

~Danny Zambrano, Guasmo

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