Thursday, August 1, 2013

Think about your future...

During our July monthly meeting for our scholarship students we reflected on important values in the lives of our scholars and how this affects their future.  Our reflection began with a card sent by our friends at COMIL through the Kids Supporting Kids project.

Our friends sent us motivational letters and one in particular stood out, "Dicen que los niños son el futuro de la Patria.  Yo pienso que los niños son el presente," it said. "They say children are the future of our nation.  I think children are the present."  Such wise words from a high school student.

Marlon was the first to jump up and share his reflection on the importance of continuing studies!

We reflected on these words in light our our own Starfish story to help the world, one by one.  While talking about values such as honesty, respect, friendship, humility and solidarity, we also reflected on our past, present and future.  Later, we decorated our classroom with some wonderful motivational drawings and messages!

Genesis, reflecting on her goals and dreams!

But while talking about our dreams, of course we had to have some fun too!
Flor de Bastión scholars starting off the meeting with a "dinámica" or ice breaker!

After the Flor de Bastión meeting we continued renovations on our tutoring space.  Rumor has it we'll be done shortly - don't forget to check back next week to see how much progress we've made!

Families of Starfish Scholars and tutoring students working together.
Theme of the day: "La unión hace la fuerza" - "Union is strength"

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